Daisypath Friendship tickers
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 0 comments

#nowplaying Happiness - Yao Si Ting

Happiness happiness
Where do you reside?
Happiness happiness
Where do you reside?
I'd like to live close by your side
I've looked for you far and wide
Why is it you seem to hide?
Why is it you seem to hide?

No need to fly in the sky so high
No need to seek it with the tears you cry
You can find me right inside
Your heart is where I abide

the sound of Silence

Disaat seperti ini,ipod adalah teman paling baikkk.. ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Just want to be silence..
Take a time to be silence..
Take a time to thinking..
Take a time to feel..
And take a time to crying..
Just because I'm still human..
I need it..
Need to express my feelings,
Need to express my dissapointed,
Need to express my hearts..
Oh hearts,please dont be too long to feel it..
Please dont be too long to think about it..
Please dont be too long to crying..
I'm just exhausted
And I'm pretend to be okay